When choosing a bidding strategy for your Google ads, it’s important to consider your objective for the campaign:

Also it’s important to know that with Google ads, you can either allow Smart bidding which means letting Google’ s AI to take care of the bidding Automatically or you can bid manually.

Depending on your campaign objective, you can choose from any of these Bidding strategies.

1. Conversion Objective: These fall under the Smart bidding umbrella.

a. Target cost per action (CPA): This allows you to optimize for conversions, you can increase conversions with tCPA while targeting a specific cost per action (CPA).

b. Target return on ad spend (ROAS): you can optimize for a conversion value by using tROAS to help increase conversion value while targeting a specific return on ad spend (ROAS).

Please note that before you can use tROAS, you need to set Values for the conversion you’re tracking.

c. Maximize Conversions: this bidding Strategy optimizes for conversions, by letting you spend your entire budget instead of targeting a specific CPA, you can use Maximize Conversions.

With this, you get the maximum number of conversions for your campaign budget.

d. Maximize Conversion Value: use this bid Strategy if you want to optimize for conversion value, and want to spend your entire budget instead of targeting a specific ROAS

e. Enhanced cost per click (ECPC): This is like a hybrid between smart and manual bidding…with ECPC, you automatically adjust your manual bids to try to maximize your campaign conversions.

2. Traffic Objective: If your objective is to drive clicks and generate more visits to your website, then you can choose between these two bidding Strategies.

a. Maximize Clicks: With this, Google Ads automatically manages your bids to bring you the most clicks possible within your budget. it is an automated bid Strategy, so Google does the heavy lifting, all you need to do is set your average daily budget.

b. Manual CPC bidding: As the names suggests, you’re managing your maximum CPC bids yourself.

You can set different bids for ad groups in your Campaign or for individual keywords. If a particular Keywords is bringing in more results, you can direct more budget to it.

3. Awareness: If your campaign goal is to drive more awareness and visibility, then these bidding strategies would be more fitting.

a. Target Impression Share: With this bidding strategy, you can automatically sets bids to show your ads on the absolute top of the page, on the top of the page, or anywhere on the page of Google search results.

Your ad gets a share of the impression a keyword gets.. for instance, setting your Target impression to 50% means your ad will show 50% of the time.

b. CPM: With this bid strategy, you’ll pay based on the number of impressions your ads get. (CPM = Cost per thousand impressions)

c. tCPM: With this bidding strategy you get to set how much you’re willing to pay averagely for every thousand impressions. It optimizes bids to maximize your campaign’s unique reach.

d. vCPM: use this manual bidding strategy if your ads are designed to increase awareness, but not necessarily generate clicks or traffic. This allows you to set the highest amount you would pay 1000 views or impressions on the Google Display Network.

4. Video views :

For video view campaigns, you can use CPV bidding. With CPV bidding, you’ll pay for video views and other video interactions, such as clicks on the calls-to-action (CTA) overlay, cards, and companion banners.

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