How to Target Instagram and Facebook Followers with Facebook ads

Did you know that you can target people who have already engaged with your Facebook or Instagram page?

If you didn’t know, now you know.

Why do you need to target your instagram and facebook followers with facebook ads?

You might want to reengage or retarget those who’ve interacted with your brand because they are already a warm audience

Here’s how to build a Custom Audience that contains your Facebook and IG Engagers.


Step 1.

Go to the audience section of your Facebook ads manager

Click on create a new audience. Then select custom audience.

Next choose a source for your custom audience, in this case Choose your Facebook or Instagram page




Step 2.

Select the page you want to work with.

You can include meet ANY or ALL of the criteria you specify.

To keep your audience broad, Any should suffice.

Next select the Events ( the action those people have taken on your page)

a. People who currently like or follow your page
b. Everyone who’s engaged with your page ( interacted with your post or ad )
c. Anyone who visited your page
d. People who clicked a call to action button or sent a message to your page …

And so on.

After you’ve chosen the event, You need to choose the retention period for your audience ( this is the number of days that people will remain in your audience after they engage with your Content.)

Moving on, you can choose to include more people or exclude people ( based on Events)

Give your audience a name, a description optionally and create it.


Step 3.

Repeat the above steps for your Instagram account as well.

Step 4.

The final step is to use your created custom audience in an ad.

Voila , the next time you run an ad and select this audience, people who’ve Interacted with your page, content, etc will get to see your ad.

Ps. You can also create a Lookalike audience ( people similar to your Facebook and Page Engagers) and use in subsequent ads..


PPS. If you need someone amazing to run and manage facebook ads for your business, please reach out

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