How To Pick The Right Name For Your Website

Figuring out how to choose a the right name for your website requires a lot of thought and consideration. Your Website name is your identity on the web; you want to make sure you choose a Website name that not only fits your business, but is also easy to find and promote.

  1. Choose a name that is easy to type:

You  want to avoid letting people stress and rack their brains over typing your website name in their address bar, you have to select a name such that when people want to visit your website, they can easily do that.

  1. Keep it short and memorable:

It is highly advisable to keep your website name as short and memorable as possible. Think about top brands such as Facebook, google, Microsoft, Godaddy. They all have certain similarities, they are short and can be easily remembered. It is exactly this you should also aim for

  1. Research: 

You should also take your time to research your website name, sure, you have come up with a pretty cool name that you feel really good about, now you have to ensure the name is available. To do this, you can make use of popular hosting services domain search tools such as Namecheap and Godaddy’s. If the domain name is available, you want to act fast and secure it else someone else buys it before you do.

  1. Have a Long Term approach:

When picking a name for your website, it’s very easy to fall for the shiny and pick a name that does not fully capture your long term goals for the business. For instance, your business intends on selling Makeup products, and you decide that your website’s name would be “ In 2 years, you may decide to add to your services by offering Makeup services for events, but you already picked a  website name that has limited your scope of business.

  1. Consider Spelling Variations

What if you settled on a great name that resonates with your brand, fits the long term goal and is easily spelled and pronunciable, but it’s been taken. You would have to try there variations of the name for example “paypal” has been taken, you could try “paypa” or some other variations

Things to Avoid

  • Numbers or dashes in your name. These characters are hard to type and might lower the perceived credibility of your website and business.
  • Funny spellings or words that can be spelled different ways (like “way” or “too”). These might make it hard for people to find your site.
  • Misspellings. These can make your site seem suspicious and make people worry it’s a phishing or malware site.
  • Brand names and trademarks used by other companies. These should never be used in your domain name; trying to do so can lead to legal action and suspension of your domain. ( credits: Google)

Tools You Can Make Use Of


Hopefully, next time you’re choosing a website or business name, you would put these tips into consideration and they would make your choosing the right name for your website easier.

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